Chapter 48: An Incredible Movie

Chapter 48: An Incredible Movie


You loved it growing up, but 13 years later, does Brad Bird recapture the magic?

Dan and Adair breakdown the how the supers of the Parr family soared in their sophomore silver screen  spectacular! PLUS a special bonus review of Hotel Artemis! 

Chapter 49: Jurassic World: Fallin' on Your Face

Chapter 49: Jurassic World: Fallin' on Your Face


Does this franchise still have life? And if so, can it find a way?

Dan and Adair break down the finer points of how to run a good idea into the ground and make people collectively grown. Listen as they find the moment it all went so B.D Wrong.

Chapter 47: Oceans Away!

Chapter 47: Oceans Away!

******** SPOILERS *********

A new crew, a new heist, the same third act problems. 

Adair and Dan break down the latest entry in the Ocean's franchise. From missed opportunities to basics of scene geography, this movie is fun, but needing a serious once over.

Chapter 46: "Solo" Can You Go?

Chapter 46: "Solo" Can You Go?

********* SPOILERS **********

Wookies, and mobsters, and cape closets, oh my!

Adair and Dan break down Lucas Films biggest gamble yet. Can you recast an icon? Can audiences keep up deep cannon? And what do you do with all those damn capes? Listen here to find out!

Chapter 45: Deadpool 2: The Pool-ening

Chapter 45: Deadpool 2: The Pool-ening


Back at it for a sexualized, murderous, and uproarious sequel, DP is on a mission to save a kid from becoming a world ending bad guy in the future. Adair and and Dan are on a mission to laugh, shout, and ramble their way their way through the most recent superhero flick. And you are on a mission to rate, review, and share!