Dan and Adair check in on their current projects, give some updates, and laugh at each other's misspeaks and pain.
Dan and Adair are friends who write almost as much as they talk about writing. Each episode they will work through the new projects, old hangs up, and the same old struggles.
Dan and Adair check in on their current projects, give some updates, and laugh at each other's misspeaks and pain.
******** SPOILERS ********
The stones on this Thanos guy, am I right?
Dan and Adair pick their MVP's, their biggest let downs, and their predictions for the future after seeing latest CGI onslaught from Marvel Studios. They ask the hard questions like where the fuck is Hawkeye? Or why Star Lord, just WHY!??
We're talking A Quiet Place, with full spoilers!
In what could have ended weaker marriages, the Blunt/Krasinski team create a tale about family and mourning that also raises your pulse until you have no choice but to record a review of it!
Like the four riders of the apocalypse, the four member of this film family each take on different struggles in a world where the main obstacle is shutting the fuck up. Your hosts break down the highs, lows, and just how hard you will grip the seat!
Easter Eggs for Easter! What's got more references than than a Dan Harmon acid trip? Ready Player One!
Dan and Adair break down the pop culture cluster f*ck, why it's great, why it's not, and why you should see it!
It's time to check in and see how we're doing with our individual projects and talk about the individuals that are helping us write.
Buckle up, it's time to talk writing.